Saturday, January 14, 2017


I see her.

She sees me.

I hug her.

She needs me.

I smile back.

She giggles.

And I believe,

That I'm in love.

She loves me.

I know her.

I make her smile.

And I believe,

I'm worth her while.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Yes, I got hard, hard in my brain.

And I do not care that you are a bit insane.

That is why I cuddle with you.

Why I keep it subtle with you.

Why I keep it real.

And why I tell you how I feel.

New Beginnings

I fell in love with a body so misty,

That when she smiles, I am certain she missed me.

Tears drip, and the carpet rebels.

Soon to be surrounded by school bells.

But complementary love emphasises madness,

Pulling both persons out of deep sadness.

Even foundations are trembling, falling.

I have to take this, I'm sorry. She's calling.

Developed Feelings

This unrequited love has turned into something magical.

I started of alone, but now she can be my radical.

I saw this future coming; such an overdose on certainty.

But why does it matter, if my heart's no longer hurting me?