Thursday, March 23, 2017

Externally Unaffeced

the complexity of my affection always ruins my situations; eternal cycles need to be broken, immediately. i cannot allow for another burst to happen and pop my externally hollow heart. i developed sharp auditory sense overtime, and thus can spot any minuscule movement from across the globe; like the personified cries of confusion. i am externally unaffected by these things, yet internally, i bleed. blood oozes inside the vessels of my vehicle, circumnavigating the whole existence in nanoseconds. 


  1. Okay okay okay you always been inspiring me now its my turn let me show you a glimpse of the fabrication of my soul......

    It feels like a fairy tale, just yesterday I was questioning my existence of my essence, I was a little kid doubting my presence

    I had a deep feeling of a force something beyond this illusion that I have created and chosen to live, I searched, prayed and chanted for truth, for clarity ...... So desperate was I , thinking how this world ever came to form, from atoms to matter

    Now here I am entering into a different dimension (literally) knowing a new world beyond this restricted field of relativity awaits for me, knowing that I am connected to all, all infinite realites , all experiences, all truth and all understanding

    Elevated consciousness it the method that I use to manifest any realities that I choose to experience, I have stumbled but I always find my way

    The question that I will always create is who am I

    1. I always drew inspiration from your views and opinions. You did always portray a different, a more individual kind of soul. What you are describing is a beautiful experience, one through which I went through a couple years ago. It is undoubtably the best feeling ever, yet the scariest and most confusing, seeing everything around you crumble as you reemerge from the rubble. The only thing I'd say is not to overwhelm yourself with it all, and allow space for casual living. Although time is an illusion, (thus implying that you either have none of it, or all of it) you have all the time in the world. (We are eternal.) So your search does not have to be an accelerated quest, it can take time.

      Once you reach that nother realm, don't cease the search and know that there is no limits to this infinite spectrum of possibility.

  2. Thank you sooo much I really appricate your reply, to be honest, you are actually the only human ( I mean you are the only divine force who has a human body, because we both know we are not are body. I remember when you always said you are nobody in the essence of a somebody, I realised that that statement is literally true, the human body is the most physical significant and powerful tool that we use to create and express you we choose to be) like I said you are the only PERSON who I have told about this journey of mine and you are the only PERSON who understand and given me the key to peace

    By the way my truth has changed since Ireland I realised that change is constant and that life is change and change is life. My truh , life, journey, wisdom, personality will always be elevated ( but the question is to what degree and to what expect) whenever I feel like I finally got it there is always more and more waiting to be recovered ( I put that word by purpose think about it)

    I will give you an example I do not abide by religion any more, that part of me has been shaded, I have been slowly shading it off even when I was in Ireland but it doesn't mean I don't have a relationship with God or with the divine force or with pure consciousness or with with creative energy or with live or with love all those things are interchangable, that is why I try not to stand in judgment of people, actually judgement is also an illusion.Be cause the split second you judge someone the split second it has cease to exist, I am still understanding it as a whole ( I am into like quantum physics in the spiritual sense)

    Okay so the question I was going to ask was... ( by the way you are a whole master right now, you have always been one just seeing you express the master lying deep within you is amazing) ..... Is there anything deep within you that is profound that you wish to experience not as a writer not as a poet or creative and expressive being but as a ......... ( I didn't know what to call it, it is undescribable) by the way I know that there are infinite realities we are never alone disunity is also a major illusion

  3. I'm glad to be able to reply, and I said already, I'm thankful that you commented first. And yes, I understand that 'person' reference, and I truly love it. This physical experience is a great tool of expression, definitely! And that's very interesting and overwhelming to hear. At the beginning of my journey, personally I closed all my doors and would only allow a minuscule amount of people in. From what I've experienced as a result of that, it was a necessary step, that isolation. But now, as I've surpassed that stage of pure confusion and overwhelmness by the rumbling of the so-called 'known world' around me, I share my journey with everyone, in a plethora of different way. Until you feel comfortable, share it solely with people who will resonate with your frequency.

    Change is definitely life. Life is eternally changing; 'You can never step in the same river twice' - that quote says it all. I am always momentarily caught in that state of mind, thinking that it all clicked and that I understand, but then more questions and more experiences arise, teaching me new things. The infinite spectrum of change and the inevitable nature of the ever-changing reality around us is only now beginning to be fully clear to me as certain events in my life recently unfolded in interesting ways. I say that life is just a big experience; there is no goal to be reached and no mystery to be solved or puzzle to be understood.

    And that's actually very interesting! The topic of religion is a very broad one, and the idea of a God has always been a not-so-important one, at least in my eyes, but I still feel the oneness with existence and the universe (as everything is an interconnected cosmic organism, breathing in synch and living in unity) and it is that unity which brings me back on my path during times of inner disconnection. Also, I resorted to ways of experiencing higher states of mind and reality and my experiences led to a certainty; that unity is real. At one point, in the recent past, I experienced a momentary ego death and felt united with all that is. It was as if I was the universe, breathing.

    Quantum physics is actually very important and very relevant! Personally I do not research much about it as I find my truth in more abstract things like art and poetry, but it definitely is a field of research, which when studied in detail and when mixed in with a spiritual approach, can aid greatly in your understanding of the universe and existence itself, and honestly, any questions you hold can be answered.

  4. Hmm... that is a really good question. My whole life has been painted with poetic colors lately, and internally, I hold a pallet which I use to dip my poetic paintbrush in. That pallet consists of many things; emotions, feelings, observations, certain people, certain ideas.. etc. But most importantly, love has been a dominant force in my life for the past few months... and it is that experience of love and affection, returned and unrequited, which I am experiencing at the moment and which I am enjoying immensely. But apart from that, I do not think that there is anything but creativity, poetry, art and literature inside of me. Perhaps things like not being so affected by love, not being so emotional at times, not feeling so much creativity... Those are the things which I cherish most and without which I wouldn't be creating anything, but it would be nice to push that to the side for a while and experience life without looking at it through a poetic lens.

  5. I will always say that love is all there is, for me right now I am actually in love with someone , this person will always be a huge facter in my life, but at the same time we are both in different levels of our evolution and we are physical distanced from each other but spiritually connected.But to be honest with you I am going to reach a stage in my life in where I am in love with everyone and everything,this stage in my life is when I will be completely dangerous I would live my life as if there is nothing to loose ( in reality there is actually nothing to loose but the system as condition our generation to see life as " you win some or you loose some" that statement is a complete illusion itself nothing in this universe is ever truly lost but will always be waiting to be recovered, its up to you if you choose to re-cover it, it all depends on your state of being and I mean that literally).... Like I said I am going to reach a stage in where my love will be transcended intensely. I would have love for myself and love for others, no expectations no limitations no separation and no favouritism actually I am working on that right now not having favouritism.

    Marriage and restricted relationships have favouritism but in a very disguised way according to me. Marriage is a message indicating that only who ever you have as a spouse or girlfriend or boyfriend is more special than anyone else which is not true in my perspective. Everyone is as special as each other. That my truth, love is all there is everything is love music is love expressed, poetry, art , stories and so forth, even every emotion you have ever held is based on love. EVERYTHING IS BASED ON LOVE, LOVE IS THE SOURCE OF EVERYTHING. .... So through out my evolution I am going to express that part of me that has unconditional love to every spectrum of life without no end... Oh and by the way love is sufficient onto it self and there is no degree to how you love , whether you love or you don't

    I have another question but be careful of how you answer it, your answer would justify what you perseve of love or whether you actually know what true love is. This person (essence) you love, Why do you love this person? ( be careful of how you answer)

  6. That is a very interesting perspective and look on marriage and the idea of love. I certainly agree with you on the fact that everything is based on love, but from personal experience, I came to the conclusion that there are many different types of love. And yes, there is that undoubtably immense love for existence, for life, for God, for everything, whatever one decides to call it, but there are also other types of love, and one is love towards your partner. Although I oppose the idea of marriage from a establishment point of view, on a more personal level, in its purest form, it is a beautiful concept. The vow of eternal love towards someone is beautiful. Whether real love lasts forever, or inevitably ends, I do not know. But what I do know is that spending your life with someone who is special to you, your lover, is a beautiful thing.

    That is a very interesting question. Firstly I'd like to say that in my opinion love is not something that needs to be fully grasped or understood, and lately, mainly because of my current situation, I have given up on trying to understand love. And by doing so, I have freed myself and allowed myself to grow. But to answer your question: I do not know why. Perhaps the answers lies in the poetry I write about the person. Perhaps it's all because of how I can see myself in them. Or maybe simply because of the fact that I can fully relate to them and I feel like I know them for much longer than I actually do.

    She is the first person ever that has grasped my attention so much, and her physical, although beautiful and godly, played no role in it. I 'fell in love', or whatever you want to call it, because of something non-physical, something indescribable. Honestly, I'm just letting go of trying to comprehend it all and trying to feel. That's what it's all about; feeling.

    PS: If somehow you, the person this is about, found this and are reading this, my love for you can only truly be understood by you. It's the small things, which I know you notice, that amount to so much. Love.

  7. I understand why you have come to a conclusion that there are many different types of love, I myself use to think that way too but when I looked deeper I realized that "there are not different types of love but different expressions of love"

    How you express your love to a person or a group of people may not be the same way you express it to another person or another group of people.( vibe with this for a minute ) I will give you examples to explain.

    Imagine you have a dog or a pet of any sort, you love this dog soo much that you express it by taking care of the dog, you take it out for a walk, feed it, clean it, play with it, give it aid when necessary, all this actions are love expressed according to your relationship with the dog.
    Now you also love your mum BUT you would not give your mum dog food or pet her on her back or put her on a leash and take her out for a walk or clean her. How you treat your mum and your dog is COMPLETELY different but it does not make the love different, the vibe or the feeling you have towards your mother and your dog may not feel the same but it is from the same foundation which is love expressed differently according to the relationship you have with your mum or dog.

    Love is all there is and it is also expressed differently in infinity different ways, the love that you have is expressed according to the relationship you have with an individual or a group of people. There are some ways you express your love to a person that you would not do to another.

    1. The love I feel towards my Mom is not the same love that I feel towards my now girlfriend. The love I feel towards my Mom is there because of her caring and loving personality (and many different things), and I show my love in ways like calling her every day, going out to lunch with her, helping her, etc. Then, when we look at the other example, it is totally different. When I see my girlfriend, looking beautiful as ever, radiating her essence, I feel a different kind of love; a love which surpasses simple traits of a parent. Speaking about this kind of love is so hard when it's not written in a poem for me, and as I said before, the best way to understand me is to read my poetry and understand my idea of love, but I will try to explain...

      The love I feel towards her is cosmic. When I look into her eyes, I feel a fire inside of me, burning, radiating its heat out and relighting my dim heart. But when I look into my mother's eyes, I see security, I see a caring person whose love is unconditional.

  8. In my opinion I will like to say that love is something that can be fully understood and it is actually the whole reason why we are here. Remember when I said that life is about self evolution and knowing and experiencing yourself through creation. Well you and live and love are one, let me say that again, love is you and you are love, life is you and you are life, love is life and you are life. You,love and life are interchangeable. You are the essence of love itself it is your very nature........ to be continued

  9. Love is your very nature it is the foundation of all things that was, is and ever will be. Love is so simple to understand the reason why we think love is so complicated is because we have restricted our love instead of freely expressing it. We have limited ourselves instead of being unlimited ( think about it how can you limit something that is unlimited it would be very difficult which is something the human race has done that is why love is seems so complicated because we have made it complicated ) there are no hidden understanding about love that you can not come to an understanding about, if it was hiding who would hid it from you and why?, see the answers are every where if you truly desire to understand love go within, be still for a moment, reconnect with the love within, your love is within you waiting to be Fully recovered, marry your love ( marry is just another way of saying connect) there are different ways of connecting back to that pure love that resides in you find it and bless it for when you find that love in you you have found yourself, when you find yourself it is just the beginning to explore the infinite possibilities of that love ( love, pure consciousness and creative energy are interchangeable)

  10. I love the way you do not know why you love that goddess, that shows you do not have a reason because if you do then that is implicating that your love may be conditional. "Conditionality and love can never be in the same space" ( i know conditionality is not a word but i felt like it )
    What do you think?

    1. In my view, love IS able to be understood, but once it is, its beauty diminishes and we come into it with our preconceived ideas, ignoring, inevitably, its mysterious ways. But yes, humans have overcomplicated the idea of love by constantly teaching it and portraying it in certain ways. These ways make people think of love in a certain way, and that is destructive. But from my perspective, I felt love, on numerous occasions, and not once have I went into it with an already comprehended ideology of it. Every feeling, every person I loved, have showed me different parts of the infinite spectrum of love. So although love is a concept which can be understood, I do not think, personally, that it is necessary to understand it to experience its beauty in its totality.

    2. There are both infinite reasons, and no reasons for love, simultaneously, just like there is so much to say, yet nothing to say. It's just the complexity of life, making this human experience so very interesting and worth living.

  11. by the way I know that the love that you have for this goddess was never created ( okay be careful of how you understand this because this could be misunderstood) the love that you have for this goddess has always been there waiting to be explored ( this is just a glimpse of how I truly see love and there is more understandings actually there are infinite understandings ) nothing caused the love to be there you just decided to bring it into your reality
    What do you think, would you like for me to explain?

    1. I think I grasp what you mean, and honestly I feel like there is truth in that. She, my goddess, has simply been a catalyst, which brought forth a love that was already there. That doesn't mean that she is not the reason for this love's existence. The reason that it's there now is solely her. What good is its existence if it's hiding? Her existence and simply her presence evoked that love to resurface.
