Friday, April 28, 2017

sterilized views

impose your views on me only
if you wish to see me rebel
and fight back, relentlessly,
defending my observations
and the depths of my self-molded beliefs.

don't! and i swear i mean it, -
try to lure me into a
fiery hell filled with revolting
scents of normalized ideas;
ways of being an obedient zombie.

i build solely on sterilized views,
and find retreat in fellow
wanderers' hearts which compliment
my curiosity and will to explore

the unknown, the abandoned, truth.

Monday, April 24, 2017

my forever

i'm scared, scared of losing you,
despite all the promises,
despite knowing that your love
transcends love:
i just love you too much.

i am the happiest, happiest
i can ever be when around you,
and knowing that you too
enjoy my presence is
heartwarming -

when everything around me
rumbles and falls apart,
you are still there at the end
of the day; there for me,
there to make me smile.

i am so fucking in love, that
a day deprived of my right to
see you and feel your essence
on my skin, on my lips, on
my body, is like a deadly virus.

i wet solely upon the debris accumulated
around me, and express only my
deepest fears and addictions,
so just know that i am not sad, i am
just too obsessed and in love.

if i could redecorate the world, and have
it my way, i wouldn't - i'd have it our way.
i would make you the queen of
the whole world, not just my inner
world of black and white colors.

i am sorry for drowning you with my
unnecessary sorrows and thoughts
filled with melancholia - i just feel so
comfortable around you. i know that i
can talk, and you will listen.

you are the most important person in
the world in my eyes, fact! and nothing
could ever change that, no matter
how strong, how repulsive, how
genuine - here's a plan:

let's venture off into the sunset, or
into a bar, on a wednesday night,
drunk on love and vodka,
smoking cigarettes and laughing
relentlessly - please! forever!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

the lost wanderer,

you were once a wanderer,
lost on the outskirts of a town,
oh how revolting that town was!:
so provocative, so demanding.
never gentle, and so draining.

so many times you thought
that an oasis you discovered,
but wrong you were trice.

nevertheless, you docked,
permanently, on an island
far, far away from the pollution

of the town and its inhabitants.

Friday, April 21, 2017


each breath gives life to countless possibilities:

you can wake up and drag yourself to work
a job you hate, for minimum pay,
or you can light a cigarette and look
into the eyes of your mirror and smile,
wider that ever before, and while you stare
you can decide thereupon to never let
them extinguish that ember inside you,
and vow to do what it takes, despite
the circumstances, to reach that point
in life you dream about and never stop.

the choice is yours.

Staring In The Mirror

the is a madness to her sanity;
a unique roar of desperation and love.
she is screaming into the mirror's eyes,
and neither can brake the stare.

silenced - by a lip so sweet and addictive.