Sunday, April 9, 2017

6 a.m. Feels

My leave is soon.
Cry like the moon.
Its blue shade,
Has always made,
Me tear up,
And when I try to cheer up,
I see you and smile.
It took a while,
To appreciate the moon's blue,
But now I found a new obsession; you.
I feel like an addict; overdosing on your touch.
False; I can never have enough, I can never have too much,
Of your existentially beautiful body.
One word to describe your physical: hottie.
This is far beyond anything I have ever,
Felt, and I don't want it to end; never.
Such a beautiful yet crazy word.
But I would still scream it out on top of my vocal chords,
Because it answers, 'When will this end?'
I honestly have the most magnificent girlfriend.
Late night texts while drinking,
Got me laying here thinking:
How did I get so damn lucky to even meet you in the first place?
And how I was so mesmerized by you after just the first few days.
That's a lie. I was so interested since that day it all started:
The twenty-second of February, the moment we parted,
That night, I fell for you like no other,
And laid there in a field blasting tunes, screaming out 'I love her.'
I honestly believe that this was meant to be.
Together we bloom and sound like a harmony;
A perfect melody complimenting my heart,
Which is so damn important in my life which now you're a part,
Of, hopefully for an eternity.
I will love you till infinity.

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